(with H.-Y. Wang) Convergence analysis of Hermite approximations for
analytic functions, manuscript 2023, 26 pages.
(with L.-M. Yao) Asymptotic expansion of the hard-to-soft edge transition,
manuscript 2023, 24 pages.
Published Papers
(with T.-Y. Xu and Y.-L. Yang)
Transient asymptotics of the modified Camassa-Holm equation,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
110 (2024), e12967, 67pp.
(with L.-M. Yao) On the gap probability of the tacnode process,
Advances in Mathematics 438 (2024), 109474, 85pp.
(with L.-M. Yao) Asymptotics of the hard edge Pearcey determinant,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
56 (2024), 137-172.
(with J. Xia, Y.-F. Hao, S.-X. Xu and Y.-Q. Zhao) Asymptotics of the deformed higher order Airy-kernel
determinants and applications,
Nonlinearity 36 (2023), 4384-4424.
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) Gap probability for the hard edge Pearcey process,
Annales Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), 2067-2136.
(with L. Huang) Higher order Airy and Painlevé asymptotics for the mKdV hierarchy,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 54 (2022), 5291-5334.
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) On the deformed Pearcey determinant,
Advances in Mathematics 400 (2022), 108291, 64pp. (arXiv:2007.12691)
(with D. Wang) A vector Riemann-Hilbert approach to the Muttalib-Borodin ensembles,
Journal of Functional Analysis 282 (2022), 109380, 84pp. (arXiv:2103.10327)
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) Asymptotics of Fredholm determinant associated with the Pearcey kernel,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 382 (2021), 1769-1809. (arXiv:2002.06370)
(with G. L. F. Silva) Large n limit for the product of two coupled random matrices,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 377 (2020), 2345-2427. (arXiv:1908.05708)
(with H.-Y. Wang) Analysis of multivariate Gegenbauer approximation in the hypercube,
Advances in Computational Mathematics 46 (2020), 53, 29pp. (arXiv:1811.04587)
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) On integrals of tronqueé solutions and the associated Hamiltonians for the Painlevé II equation,
Journal of Differential Equations 269 (2020), 2430-2476. (arXiv:1908.01532)
(with P. J. Forrester, J. R. Ipsen and D.-Z. Liu) Orthogonal and symplectic Harish-Chandra integrals and matrix product ensembles,
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 8 (2019), 1950015, 37pp. (arXiv:1711.10691)
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) Gaussian unitary ensembles with pole singularities near the soft edge and a system of coupled Painlevé XXXIV equations,
Annales Henri Poincaré 20 (2019), 3313-3364. (arXiv:1809.07074)
(with D. Dai and S.-X. Xu) Gap probability at the hard edge for random matrix ensembles with pole singularities in the potential,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50 (2018), 2233-2279. (arXiv:1710.08132)
(with H.-Y. Wang) Jacobi polynomials on the Bernstein ellipse,
Journal of Scientific Computing 75 (2018), 457-477. (arXiv:1703.04243)
On Wright's generalized Bessel kernel,
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 340 (2017), 27-39. (arXiv:1608.02867)
Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the modified Bessel functions and products of two coupled random matrices,
Journal of Approximation Theory 213 (2017), 92-119. (arXiv:1605.01899)
(with D.-Z. Liu and D. Wang) Bulk and soft-edge universality for singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices,
Annales de l' Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques 52 (2016), 1734-1762. (arXiv:1412.6777)
(with M. Huang and S.-X. Xu) Location of poles for the Hasting-McLeod solution to the second Painlevé equation,
Constructive Approximation 43 (2016), 463-494. (arXiv:1410.3338)
Local universality in biorthogonal Laguerre ensembles,
Journal of Statistical Physics 161 (2015), 688-711. (arXiv:1502.03160)
(with D. Geudens) Transitions between critical kernels: from the tacnode kernel and critical kernel in the two-matrix model to the Pearcey kernel,
International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN 14 (2015), 5733-5782. (arXiv:1208.0762)
(with G. Filipuk and W. Van Assche) Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with an exponential cubic weight,
Journal of Approximation Theory 190 (2015), 1-25. (arXiv:1306.3835)
(with G. Filipuk) On certain Wronskians of multiple orthogonal polynomials,
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications(SIGMA) 10 (2014), 103, 19pp. (arXiv: 1402.1569)
(with A. Kuijlaars) Singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices, multiple orthogonal polynomials and hard edge scaling limits,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 332 (2014), 759-781. (arXiv:1308.1003)
(with L. Boelen, G. Filipuk, C. Smet and W. Van Assche) The generalized Krawtchouk polynomials and the fifth Painlevé equation,
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 19 (2013), 1437-1451. (arXiv:1204.5070)
A note on the limiting mean distribution of singular values for products of two Wishart random matrices,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (2013), 083303, 8pp. (arXiv:1305.0726)
(with S. Delvaux and D. Geudens) Universality and critical behavior in the chiral two-matrix model,
Nonlinearity 26 (2013), 2231-2298. (arXiv:1303.1130)
(with G. Filipuk and W. Van Assche) Ladder operators and differential equations for multiple orthogonal polynomials,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2013), 205204, 24pp. (arXiv:1204.5058)
(with H.-Y. Wang and D. Huybrechs) Asymptotic expansions and fast computation of oscillatory Hilbert transforms,
Numerische Mathematik 123 (2013), 709-743. (arXiv:1112.2282)
(with S. Delvaux, A. Kuijlaars and P. Román) Non-intersecting squared Bessel paths with one positive starting and ending point,
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 118 (2012), 105-159. (arXiv:1105.2481)
(with G. Filipuk and W. Van Assche) The recurrence coefficients of semi-classical Laguerre polynomials and the fourth Painlevé equation,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (2012), 205201, 13pp. (arXiv:1105.5229)
(with E. Basor and Y. Chen) PDEs satisfied by extreme eigenvalues of GUE and LUE,
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 1 (2012), 115003, 21pp. (arXiv:1102.0402)
(with S. Delvaux and A. Kuijlaars) Critical behavior of non-intersecting Brownian motion at a tacnode,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 64 (2011), 1305-1383. (arXiv:1009.2457)
(with P. Román) The asymptotic zero distribution of multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with Macdonald functions,
Journal of Approximation Theory 163 (2011), 143-162. (arXiv:1003.4692)
(with Y. Chen) Painlevé VI and the unitary Jacobi ensembles,
Studies in Applied Mathematics 125 (2011), 91-112. (arXiv:0911.5636)
(with D. Dai) On tronqueé solutions of the first Painlevé hierarchy,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application 368 (2010), 393-399.
(with R. Wong) Global asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials associated with |x|αe-V(x),
Journal of Approximation Theory 162 (2010), 723-765.
(with D. Dai) Painlevé VI and Hankel determinants for the generalized Jacobi weight,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (2010), 055207, 14pp.
(with R. Wong) Global asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with exponential quartic weight,
Asymptotic Analysis 64 (2009), 125-154.
(with R. Wong) Global asymptotics of Hermite polynomials via Riemann-Hilbert approach,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 7 (2007), 661-682.